Saturday, August 27, 2011

304's Spelling Program

We will use spelling word lists that follow particular spelling patterns. On the right side, I have included some useful and fun sites to help you study spelling. is a particularly fun and engaging site where you can play games, practice, and actually take a test on the site. Just scroll down and click on the story name for the week.

In an attempt to conserve paper usage, students will be writing their new spelling words for the week in their planners. You will find them in Words of the Week box. Students are also given a paper copy of the words that they can choose to leave at school or take home to study.

You will always find the week's spelling words located on the right under spelling resources. Just click on This Week's Spelling Words.

Within the Daily 5 framework, students will be working on their spelling words and patterns during Word Work choice time.

We will have a spelling test every Friday. If you have any questions, please email or feel free to comment on this site.

Friday, August 26, 2011

304's Class Constitution

With the implementation of Responsive Classroom again this year, I have added a link to Here you can find information about the philosophy, approach, morning meeting, and rule creation. Yesterday, we were able to discuss and then create our own set of positive classroom rules. When you visit the classroom, you will see that all 24 students signed our Class Constitution. We love the last rule!

304's Class Constitution

  1. Try your hardest.

  2. Have self-control.

  3. Be respectful.

  4. Be quiet when others are talking or working.

  5. Take care of your classroom and school.

  6. Have FUN!