Today, you will be taking your first Science test. Hershey would also like to take the test, but he has been a bad dog! He has not been studying, so he was hoping that you could teach him at least three things that he will need to know about from Chapter 1. Thank you for explaining the science concepts to Hershey. Let's keep Hershey out of the doghouse!
Happy teaching 304!
All living repurduse and need a shelter.A plant as three main parts the stem,leafs and roots.
oxejen space and gas
all living things all breath in gases/oxagin.all animals are orginisums.all animals need food and water.
We lernd about Ocyjin Gass Stoushers.
mammle has fur and breaths threw lungs.
all living things are organisams.
invertabrets are animles without backbones.
vertabrets are animles with backbones.
bulding blocks of life is cells.
thin hard covering is exsosceliten.
All liveing breteh oxygen.All liveing need food. All liveing things need water.
The three most comman parts of a plant is...root,stem and leaf.
Vertabrates have back bones and invertabrates don't have back bones.All organisoms need space,oxygen and water.
All living things need shellter water and food.
you need to know the three parts of a plant.It is stem,leaf,roots.Here are another fact every living thing is called organism.Another fact is there 5 kinds of vertebrates.
all living things are ogunizims.
in ainmols needs a shelter to stay safe.
ainmols need to find there on food
repruduction is when a living things make more of there own kind.An exoskeleton is a hard covering that protecs some anamals.Anphibians start out with gills and grow lungs.
All animals have to serch for food.they repaduse and move
you need to know three fun fatcs from chapter 1 females lay eggs. organisms need space or room.
plants need space to grow and fine water and sundlight.
All living thigs are called organisms.they respond,they have difrent environments.90 persent are invertebrates.
All living thing are organisms. All living reperdon.Thay need nuterins.
All living things are organisams,
only if it is living.
An animal that has a back bone is
a verdabrit a animal that does not
have a back bone is a Invertabrit.
The mane part of a plant is a
Root,lef and stem.
You need to know this.Invetebrate
has no back bone and vetebrates
have a back bone.what has skaly
skin and can live in water.what
is it a reptile
organisams must have 3 things.
food and water,for nutreins.
space,for room to grow.
daer hershey,
three facs are living things grow, reperduce,and respond, eat other organismas, and need food, air, water, and space to live.
fish have gills.
mamals have hair or fur.
reptiles breath throgh lugs.
All living things are organisms.
fish have gills.
Mammals give milk to there young.
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