Thursday, December 5, 2013

Civics and Government

"No More Kings"

"The Shot Heard 'Round the World" - Revolution

"Fireworks!" - Declaration of Independence

"Too Late to Apologize" - Declaration of Independence Music Video

Schoolhouse Rock - "Preamble"


logster 21 said...

July 4, 1776
Dear king Gorge,

I want inependence from taxes because you tax us on everything. You better start being nice or you are going down. It will soon be to late to apoligize.

Your enimey,
Logaster 21

maxster said...

Dear King Goerge,
Why don't you care about us and we don't wan't a king we wan't a presedent. From:Max
To:King Goerge

tk11 said...

July 4,1776
dear King George
I think you are taxing us unfair.
We are just tring to have some fun.

edog said...

july 4, 1776 dear king gorge Im a colanist that is fighting for fredom from you mean pepole on the other side of the sea.we want fredom. the suger act was the worst I love suger.I want fredom.I am don with you.If you give us fredom I will be happy. stop being mean Im don with you.

AS22 said...

July 4,1776
Dear King George,
We the people of United States want indapendence.We have the right to be free and live in Life,libraty and freedom.

sp18 said...

July 4, 1776
Dear King Goerge
we want you to give use somne respet from you. we want tea back now. we are not witeing for you to deside because you don't rule the plant and don't you tell what people to do you do it by your self.
sincerely ashly

AD5 said...

July 4, 1776
Dear King George
King george you made sighned a relly not good peice of papper.


cb4 said...

dear king gorge
we want freedom.We want respect from you.


tn16 said...

July 4, 1774
Dear King George,
We want our own countrey!Because we have to give taxes.
Sincerely tn16,

KG9 said...

July 4, 1776
Dear king georeg,
I declare my independs, becase
people keep coming in my house and
sleeping in my kids beds.They are also eating all of my food. Would
you like if I came in to your house and ate more food than you have.

am15 said...

july 4 1776

Dear king George,
are colinies want independents.
and we don't want to be ruled by Englend. we want to be our own country.

BDM 14 said...

July 4 1776 dear king gorog We are fed up we are sick of u keep tacking peple so stop doing it

jato said...

july 4,1776
dear King George,
I think you should let us have tea.
I also think that we should have freedom and for you to respect us.


Anonymous said...

july 4,1776

Dear king george,
we are fed up with your un fare waes.the olny thing you are bringing is the prasow of due I have your word.


CB2 said...

July 4,1776
Dear King George,
We do not won't king, you tell us what we have to rase the taxe and we are FEDE UP with you teling us what to do,and I do not like it.We wont you to be fare.


KD6 said...

Dear King Gorge,
We want our freedom because we do not want you to tax us on tea.Or on the sugar.