Friday, February 8, 2013

Identifying the Theme of Tale of Despereaux

     We just finished the outstanding read aloud, The Tale of Despereaux. In this post, please tell me what you think is one of the main themes in the story.  Please also give two examples from the story that supports your theme.  Remember to use your common themes resource to help you.  Happy commenting!


edog1 said...

I think the theme is love becase hesaved the princes and he went back in to the dungin to find her18

KG9 said...

I think the theme is love because they said love alot and Desproux loved the pea.

BDM14 said...

I think it is courage because despereaux was not scared togo to the dungen. despereaux was not scared of the rat that standing in his way of going to find the prissen

tk11 said...

I think the theme is perseverance because when Despereaux lost the thead he did not give up and when he found the princess he faced the rat head on.

AS22 said...

I think 1 themes are courage beacause a little mouse has got to have guts or courage to go to a dungion full of RATS!

tn16 said...

I think the theme of The Tale of Despereaux is courage because Despereaux talk to a person. And Despereaux went to the dongen when the other mouses are scared.

cb4 said...

I think the theme is courage because he accepted a risk and he overcome a fear.

ads23 said...

I think the theme is courage because he was int of frade to go in the dungen top save the prinnces and he didint give to get ready but he was scared a little bit

logater 21 said...

I think the theme of this book is courage.

I think that because Desperaux goes back into the dungeon to save the princes. I also think that because the rat has the courage to bring the princes down to the dungeon. That is why I think it is courage.

AD5 said...

I think it's cooperation because Desperaux got out of the dungeon.And he met princess bea.

sp18 said...

Tale of Despereaux themes is honesty because Despereaux all ways tell the truth to somebody.
The next aother themes is kindness because he his all ways trust somebody eles.

Z17 said...

I think its persevreranc.Becouse Despereaux he never gave up and he was brave to save the printses.

K6 said...

I think that the theme of Tail Of Depereaux is courage,because he was brave to go down in the dungen to save Princess Pea.

BDM14 said...

I think it is cuorage because he was not scared to goto the dungen. despereaux was not scared of the rat that was blocking his way to go find the prinssen.

AF8 said...

I thinck it is nevr giv up. he nevr gav up love.

A.b.3 said...

Waht i think is that it is perseverance because maig can't hear that well so she yells load so her freind trys to not make her yell. and she alwas wanted to be a princess but never did get to be one and so on.

UNICORN 7 said...

I think the theme of Tail of Despereaux is BRAVERY.Cause Despereaux is brave cause he went to go save the PRINCE!

R13 said...

courage becus he over cam his fars in dark.and took a risk to save the prinses.

j20 said...

I think the theme for Tale of Despereaux is courage,Because most of the characters were brave.Despereaux was brave and took a risk to save the princess.

TDK12304 said...

For The Tale Of Despereaux,I think the theme is courage.And for Moong-
gobble and me I think is courage
because they except their task and
they go to the forest of night.

D19 said...

courage becouse Despereaux was not afrad to go back in the dongin and princes P was not scard wen a knif was poynted in her face.

A15 said...

I think the theme was courage. Beacase Despereaux accepted the adventure to excape the dungun and go back to save the princess.And migery sow had alot of courage after all she went through.