Friday, February 22, 2013

Weekly Post

Throughout this week, we have been reading some thought-provoking stories.  First, I would like you to watch the online reading of Enemy Pie.  After watching the story, please comment on what you think all of the stories have in common.  Please explain your thinking.  Happy Commenting!



cb4 said...

All of those books they all standed up for their self.

tk11 said...

The one thing they have in common is that in the end the bully is the vickems friend.In enamy pie jerame ross was the boys best friend and so the same with all the rest.

edog1 said...

All of the carekters ge teased in the biging and bekome frineds in the end of the book

BM 14 said...

What I think they all have in commen is that some on is alway getting bulled. and There is a bully in all the stoeys to.

tn16 said...

What all the books have in common is that at the end the mean person turns to be the persons friend.

oo19 said...

thay all start with enemys some enemy became friends.

a8 said...

Thar enmy terndinto thars frens.

sp18 said...

I think that the all the story have all in comment like the charater was like thinking of them self like not caering for ether peaple but they don`t think to not bully ether.

Ad5 said...

I think that it don't matter if your name is long or if you can't say words right.

KG9 said...

I think the that thing that they all have in comman isthat they all have bullys in them because we talked about bully-free at Discovery.

J 20 said...

I think all the stories all have a main person who is getting bullied or has a enemie but in the end the bullie and the person who's getting bullied are friends.

logster 21 said...

I think something that is the same in all of the books is that Someone is being bullied because in the Orange shoes and chrysanthemum and also hooway for wodney wat and enemy pie someone is being bullied. In enemey pie the boy is kind of bulling his enemy. In hooway for wodney wat wodney is bullied. chrysanthemum is bullied to. that is why i think the same thing is that someone is geting bullied.

DESTROYOR 7 said...

What these books have in common are the people in the books are they think theres a bully but there ins't
actullay a bully.

rm13 said...

they have problems with bullies.

AS22 said...

I think that what all books have in comen is that like Chrisanthemum for instince there is a bully (Victoria) and the person who is being bulled (Chrisanthemum).

Ab3 said...

What they have in common is that in Ememy pie,Hooway for wodney wat,Chrysanthemum and the orange shoes is that ther's some kind of bulling and mean things about somthing.

KD6 said...

what I think what is the same is the characters in the stores is they never gave up, Because they never gave up they figuard out to get the bully away.

am15 said...

I think the theme is acceptance because some of the charecters needed to accept each others differances even though some of them did not

CB2 said...

this is why thay are all the same because they all lurend a lustn and had all fun at a pount.

TDK12304 said...

In all the books their was an enemy and and a character whjo is getting bullied.

Z17 said...

I think the them of thes stores are they think that thayer being mean or you think that thayer mean, but thayer acthuly not like enimey pie.