This week, we have been learning all about animals that can create their own homes. Please write a paragraph about an interesting animal architect that you researched this week.
Remember to include a topic sentence, a sentence telling us which animal you chose, and at least 3 detail sentences about how the animal is an architect. Happy Writing!
Remember to include a topic sentence, a sentence telling us which animal you chose, and at least 3 detail sentences about how the animal is an architect. Happy Writing!
We learned about Animal builders this week a prairie dog digs his home.They make 7 ecaproutes ifa wolf comes in the main entrance the prairie dogs can go to the athor holes
We learned about Animal builders this week.Meerkats is an animal that is an architech.Meerkats dig where the groud is spouted by roots.The meerkats dig carfully to evoid other meerkats.Meerkats line the tunnels with mud and fur.
We learn about animal builders this week. A parrot fish is an animals that is an architect. gets bigger and bigger and bigger. The parrot fish bubble help so the predtors can`t eat it.The parrot fish sleep and when it done sleeping it pop it bubble and swims away.
We learned about animal builders this week.a beaver is a animal archetect.their teethare so long that they chew down trees to build the dam. the dams can go almost all the way acrost a river or streem. In the winter they make holes in the ice because the entrance is at the bottom of the dam.
We learned about animal buildersthis week.A Porrot Fish is a animal architect.Every night it squits out a sticky slime from a speacial gland.the bubble grows bigger and bigger in tell it can fit in it.
We learned about animal builders this week.A robin is a animal that is an architect.It takes 3 to 10 days for a female robin bird to build her nest.Each spring a female robin can build her nest.Female robins use twigs,roots, grass and mud to build her nest.
We learned about animal builders this week my animal is the bag worm. The bag worm cuts thorns and twigs into small pieces for its home. The bag worm can bring its home where ever they go. The bagworm turns into a moth. Those are three facts for the bag worm.
we learnd about animal bulders this week.Did you know a parrot fish makes a buble aroud its self.other fish cant smell them when they are in the buble.when they wake up the buble pops.And thats why I like the parrot fish.
We learned about anilmal builders this week.a bever is a anilmal arhitcth because they make dam's and longes.they get in to the longe by going in to the water they make longes and dam's out of sticks
We learned about animal builders this week.Termites are animals that are archetects.Termite towers can hold thosands and thosands of termites.YUCK!And if thats not bad enough its made with their own spit!And could be as tall as gerafes.
We learned about animal builders this week. The Wever bird is a animal
that is a architect. A detail is that the male birds are the bird that build the nest they do it to atract the female bird. It is in the name they weave the nest out of tall grass. Another detail is that the nest
is all closed exsept the bottem so that their eneme the the snake can not get in.
I learned abot Animal builders this week. Meerats is an animal that is an architect. Meerkats build there homes by digging. Meerkats dig carefully even with strong paws and sharp claws in the sandy soil. Meerkats line their tunnels with leaves, mud or fur that helps the tunnel to be sturdy.
we learned about Animal buildersthis week.A meerkat is an animal that is an animal that is an animal that is an architect.Meerkats have strong pawsad sharp claws.To avoid the cave-ins the meerkats dig where roots hold the soil.with mud,leaves,or fur the lining make the tunnels sturdy.
We leard about animal bilders this week. A cowbird is an animal that is an architect. 3 detalls are if it dos't know if one of the eggs are not hers then the brid throse it out and dos't take care of it and nother is that a cowbird laysm there eggs as fast as posibal.And that sometimes the nesting bird never knows the diffrents of a bird ecsept an egg.
We learned about Animal bilbers this week.A parrotfish makes a bubble arownd its self. So preteters cant smell it. Then it pops it in the morning and swims away. Then it makes a new one the naxt night.
We learned about Animal Builders this week.Parrit Fish is an animal that ia an architect.a Parrit Fish maks a bubble around it's gets bigger and bigger at night.the bubble is to parrtekt its seilf it shots out slime to make the bubble bigger each min,at day time the Parrit Fish pops its own bubble and it swimes away fron its bubble.
we learned about Animal builders this week.eagle is an Animal that is an architect.eagles build the largest nests in the world.these structures can be 10 feet 3m long.eagles build thare nest close to water.
We learned about animal builders this week.The weaverbird,is an animal that is an architect.It weaves it's nest,it uses leaves to build it's nest,and the leaves need to be green and fresh.
We learned Animal builders and a Parrot Fish is a architect. So did you know that every single night they squirt slime to make a bubble then they go in it. Also the bubble make it so the others can't smell you. Last in the morning the bubble pops then it swim away.
The parrotfish is an animal architect . The parrotfish forms a home by squurting out stuff. The parrotfish pops the bubble every morning. The bubble petects the parrotfish from its predders .
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