Friday, September 27, 2013

Ananse's Feast and Anansi's Party Time

This afternoon, we read two Anansi the spider stories.  In this post, compare and contrast Ananse's Feast with Anansi's Party Time.  Make sure to tell me at least one similarity and one difference between the 
two stories' main ideas.  Happy commenting!


MD6 said...

the storys are simalar because both storys have Anansi and turtle in them and they both try to get revenge.Also, turtle has his meal or party both underwater.

KV26 said...

In both books Anansi was to lite to go in the water to get to turtles house.In one book turtle had a party in the other story Anansi tricked turtle.

an18 said...

they bolth have turtle and spider in bowlth stories they tricked each other in baisicly the same ways.

cg9 said...

Both stories Anansi tricks Turtle than Turtle tricks Anansi back. Anansi set up party and tricked Turtle,Anansi tricked Turtle and ate all the food.

kb1 said...

simlr... thay both ust food in the store.thay both have spitrs.

diffrint... one has a feast and one
has a prte.

JP19 said...

The main idea in Anansi and the turtle is that Anansi and turtle were try to trick each other. In Anansi's party time the main idea is Anansi tricked turtle into having a party so turtle tricked Anansi.

It is the same because they both have turtle and anansi.

They are different because in party time thier is a party and in the other one thier is a fiest

ZG11 said...

There the same because in both stories the turtle and the spider trick each other by throwing a party.

JP19 said...

The main idea in Anansi and the turtle is that Anansi and turtle were try to trick each other. In Anansi's party time the main idea is Anansi tricked turtle into having a party so turtle tricked Anansi.

It is the same because they both have turtle and anansi.

They are different because in party time thier is a party and in the other one thier is a fiest

bc4 said...

At the end turdle gets revenj at the end evry time in both books

in one book they go to the moon in this book they dident

in the ether book anansi has a feast in this book they dident

KK said...

antesi the spiter trikt tortais in saying that all the sawetbatatos wer not god

e 2 said...

thay are same because the book ananes feast both ananes and turtle triked echuther.

the differt is anansi party time anansi triked turtle by geting stuff for the party then the party wus ofer and turtle hade anansi get bulons and he went up with crab.

BU25 said...

they both tout aleson that treat oters the way you won't to be treted and they had difrent caricters

KC3 said...

Turtle and anansi were both in the tow stories.They where both the mani charitcer.Turtle got trick and Anansi got trick to.

CW27 said...

Anansi made turtle walk home a lot so did turtle to anansi.Anansi couldnt go underwater so he stuffed rocks in he coat but turle could go underwater.

TS20 said...

in a anansi fest anansi told terttle to come to dinner with him.

in anansi's party time anansi told terttle to come to his berthday and terttle told anansi to come to his berthday and anansi codnot come down in tile cerab walk by and anansi said to cerab can I hope on hor back and cerab said yes so anansi hope on cerabs back andcerab pold anansi down to the water anansi was not happy.

ss24 said...

In both stories they trick anansis party time anansi tricked turtlebye going back and forth getting stuff. turtle tricked anansi by going underwater spiders float.

T12 said...

Anansi and Turtle were both clever.One had a feast the other had a party.

A21 said...

The man ideye of Anans,s Feast is do not de sefish.
The maniseye of Anansi's party time is de onist

A21 said...

The man ideye of Anans,s Feast is do not de sefish.
The maniseye of Anansi's party time is de onist

JS22 said...

I think the main idea in both stories are the same because the turtle and Anansi played a prank on each other.

P.L.14 said...

For a similarity I whould say they have they both have turtles in the story's.Where the trick from the turtle is at is the same.For the diffrentce I whould say in one they Anansi get a ride and the other he dose not.

A21 said...

Both stores are simr kus thay both eat in the stores

Alex 15 said...

The storys are the same because Ananse and Turtle tricked each other into wanting food but how its difforint because they dont tell the same thing.

VF7 said...

anansi and trtol aur both the
triksters becuse they trick
ananis Loves to play tricks and turtle dosbnt

BG10 said...

same.both turtul an spider got trikt.difrint in the book spider brote alot of friends to his party and in Ananse's Feast turtle only brought spider.

jm17 said...

they both got tict trdlle wet balk andforth. Anansi's party time trdlle asd anansi if he want to cum to his party but spidrs flot so hed hdon to crab so anansi got
raisewd to the moon