Thursday, May 10, 2012

Third Grade Memories

This year has just flown by!  In your last post, please tell me what your was favorite memory of third grade.


a13 said...

My favorite memory in 3rd grade was the 304 store because it is a fun way to do math.

J 11 said...

My favorite memory was when we did the 304 store because you get new stuff andyou have to buy it with fake money.

kr20 said...

When we played that jewel game because it was fun and it is a game that we have to work together.

Billy3 said...

My favorite memory was wen we played smags jewels because when you were it you would block all the ways to get in.

a13 said...

My favorite memory in 3rd grade was the 304 store because it is a fun way to do math.

lm15 said...

My favorit memorey was going to falls park and seing the statues.

APpels 18 said...

My favorite part of the year is when i learned to write my name in curseive because i can now end letters corectly

kk9 love school said...

My favorite memory is playing games in the classroom beacause it is a lot of fun.

kade 16 said...

Going to hoovertyqo and the greenhouse because we got to do like moves at hoovertyqo and we got to learn about plants and stuff.

dan 17 said...

It was the greenhouse because all of my frends were their.

D19 said...

My favorite memory was going to falls park and relesing canvis because it was relly funny when she dived in.

Joey 12 said...

My favorite memory is when we saw Holes the movie because it was a really good movie and the book was amazing.

cami2 said...

My favorite memory is when we did math because every time I past I would suprise my self of how good I did.

kiki5 said...

My favorite memory of this year was learning about Sioux Falls because were learning about our city and how it became our home.

B4 said...

My favorite memory of third grade would be playing smugs jewels and having Mr.D as a teacher. Playing smugs jewels because I like to try to get the jewels and having Mr.D as a teacher bacause he is funny, nice and even more funny and he teaches us while he is being funny.

A1 said...

My favorite memory in 304 is...scince and soical studies.because I LOVE scince and the biomes,and ecosystoms.And the planets.

skyler said...

My favorite memory is watching the movie Holes. Well because it was a really good movie and we got to eat snacks and we got to do it on the same day as the 304 store.So that is pretty cool.

rybot1234567891011 said...

My faviorte memory is learning about divition because I really didn't understand divition and I'm glsd thst I understand it now.

KAYA said...

I enjoy playing games.Because I never did that last year.

J23 said...

My favrite thing was when we plaed the dragon game.I still play it at home because it is a fun fun game.ntenth

Erik21 said...

My favet thing to do is play games in morning meeting becuase it is fun and i get to lern about my class