Thursday, May 9, 2013

Big Thumb

Stanley and Zero just reached Big Thumb.  Do you think the two of them will find refuge on Big Thumb? Why or why not?


ads23 said...

yes because hes grandfather saw gods thumb and survide

edog1 said...

yes because his great great grampa found rufuiege

logster 21 said...

no because camp green lake dried up that should get dried up too.

tk11 said...

I think they will find refuge on big thumb because a storm passed it a couple days a go so there might be water.

KG9 said...

Yes because we are near the end of the
book and usually at the end of the book there is a happy ending.

oo19 said...

yes i wached the move and his grand fother did find refuge or thats what thay say?

a8f said...

noit it is rilly hot.

Ad5 said...

yes because his great grandfather said i found refuged on god thumb

AS22 said...

I say that Stanly and Zero shall have refuge!Because its not a good story if Stanly and Zero just die in chapter 37-40 right?

cb4 said...

I think that they will find food and water because stanly had walked like 100 miles

Z17 said...

Yes becouse Stanlys graet graet Grandpa was alive when he was stranded in the desert.

CB2 said...

Yes i think thay will find some shade mabey some water I don't think that will find any food.

J20 said...

yes, because it is a lucky thing for them to find and it brings good fortune.

R13 said...

nobecus they havto go realy far so they wod die intherst

tn16 said...

I think no because u can't find water up there but they might find something else

DESTROYOR 7 said...

Maybe. Because Stanleys great-grandfather said. "I found refuge on gods thumb".

Ab3 said...

I think yes because they mite find food or water.

KD6 said...

Yes because his grandfather got straned in the heat and found the big thumb and lived.