Friday, October 18, 2013

Beaver Structures

What is one beaver structure that you used in your story?  How does that structure help the beaver to survive?


TS20 said...

I am doing teeth. Teeth help the beaver chow wood and aolsow it helps it make home for the beaver and make dames.

Jp19 said...

I chose webed feet for my structure. webed feet help them survive so they can get out of the water so they can go get wood so they can get wood to build dams and loges. They also use there webed feet to swim some times

T12 said...

My beaver struckers is a arm.It helps Willy to pick up the log.

BC#4 said...

the teeth help the beaver eat and bild loges it is able to drag branches
it warns animals to stay away and it helps them sit up on landand it helps them stear it is like a rudder

jtm said...

teeth. they help the bever bild its home and chew trees.

kb1 said...

I pickt: teeth
because it helps eat.And care wood.

BU25 said...

teeth are for cutting down trees for food and for cutting done trees to billd a dame.

MD6 said...

I am going to pick a beaver's tail and a beaver's tail helps it sit up straight and it also protects the beaver by slapping its tail hard against the water to warn its enimies.

BG 10 said...

A beaver loungs help them breath an survive.

E b 2 said...

teeth and it helps the bever live and make thar house and it helps them eat

as21 said...

I chose teeth thay help dild dams and eat

ss24 said...

I chose teeth. It helps it eat branches,plants, and berries. it also helps it build its dim.

cg9 said...

I choose arms.The arms are used to help build the beavers home.They are also used to help the beaver get it's food.

CW27 said...

A beavers tail beacuase it helps them swim so good and so fast and they use it to scare pereders.

kc3 said...

The teeth flaps on beavers close when they go under water when they are taking stiks to the dam

jm 16 said...

the bevres tall helps it srviv by wen it slap it hord on the wotr it worns enames to kep awey.

KK13 said...

i piked teeth flaps.Thay help the beaver go under water with out geting water in the beavers mouth with branchis and stuf in its mouth.

j8 said...

A beaver's tail is my one I am going to talk about.A beaver's tail portect the beaver from enimeis too.It slaps the tail agaists the water to scare's enimeis going near the beaver.

TC5 said...

I chose teeth. It macks a new dam

KV26 said...

There teeth helps them chew down trees to eat there food because they need food to survive and there teeth help them chop down trees.

VF7 said...

i chose teeth becuese Its a
sterucer that helps the beaver

P.L14 said...

I used a tail in my story. When dangedr comes they slap there tail so other bravers know that danger is there.

AN18 said...

I chose its tail and it helps a beaver survive by warning pretitors so they dont get eaten.

ZG11 said...

Tale:The tale helps the beaver cause it helps the beaver warn pretidors cause it slaps its tale to do so.

LS23 said...

webbed hind feet:help the beaver swim. Tail: slaps the beavers tail agenst the water to warn other beavers from preditors. the tail also helps the beaver sit up. lungs: help the beaver breathe. these are some of the beavers structrus.

Alex 15 said...

The tail helps it servive because it scares preadoders away and it helps it swim and it helps it sit up on land.