Friday, March 22, 2013

Mouse and the Motorcycle

Throughout this week, we have been reading Beverly Cleary's The Mouse and the Motorcycle. In this post, please describe Ralph's character traits.  Please write 3 traits that describe how Ralph the mouse acts.


tk11 said...

Ralph is sad because He lost the motorcycle.Ralph is not trustworthy because he is a varment.Ralph is not a good listener because his Mom yelled at him in the frist chaper and he did not lisen.

logster 21 said...

Ralph likes adventures because he wants to go to the ground floor.

Ralph is curious because he wanted to check out the motorcycle.

Ralph is not trust worthy because he rode the motorcycle and he lost it.

AS22 said...

Ralphs 3 traits
1.NOT trust worthy because he lost
the motorcycle
2.NOT a good listener because he rode the motorcycle when told not to
3.adventureous because all he wants to do is have excitement

sp18 said...

Ralph is not trustworthy because when Keith said that you can ride it at night not the day. Ralph is adventurousbecause he goes out the hall way at night. Ralph is not a good listener because he didn`t promes Keith about the motorctycle.

edog1 said...

ralph's not responsibole because he lost the motorcycle.ralph is reckless becuse he recked the motorcycle.ralph does not lisin becuse he dosent care what his mom says

j20 said...

Ralph is adventurous because he likes to ride motorcycles during the night and take chances. Ralph is not trustworthy because he lost keiths motorcycle. Ralph is a darer because his mom told him not to talk to a human but he did.

CB2 said...

Ralph is adventurous because he loves to ride the motorcycle and try new stuff.Ralph is not that trastworthry because you can not tell if he will be respable or not.Ralph is a good mmice at lest i think.

Ad5 said...

Ralph is adventurous because when he rides his motorcycle he goes everywhere.Ralph is not a good listener because he can't drive the motorcycle in the daytime.Ralph is not trustworthy because he promised to keep the motorcycle.

b14 said...

Ralph is not trustworthy because he lost the motorcycle. Ralph is not a good linter because keith told him not to ride it in the day time but he did anyway.Ralph is adventurous because he lioke to be out side and he likes to expoler.

tn16 said...

I think Ralph is not trustworthy because he broke 2 promises that he made with Keith. And Ralph is aventures because his mother said he sometime go ing the hallway and do some crazy things. Last he is not a good listener because he promise he would not ride the motorcycle but he did.

cb4 said...

Ralph's character traits are not trustworthy because he lost the motorcicle.And adventreous because he rode it in the day.And not a good listener because he said he would bring it back

ads23 said...

Not trustworthy because he rode the motorcycle when he said scouts honer.Adventurous because he went in the hallways and the dog almost caught him.Not a good listener because keith said ride it at night not and ralph rode it at day

logster 21 said...

Ralph likes adventures because he wants to go to the ground floor.

Ralph is curious because he went to check out the motorcycle.

Ralph is not trustworthy because he rode the motorcycle in the daytime and lost the motorcycle.

k6 said...

Ralph is not a good liener because he was not suppost to ride the motorcycle in the day time.Ralphis adventurous because he likes to explor the hotel.Ralph is sad because he lost the motorcycle in the landry

DESTROYOR 7 said...

Ralph charcter traits

Ralph is reckless because destroyed stuff in the past and now destroyored keith's motorcycle. Ralph is adventures cause he likes to explore mountion view inn.Ralph is courageous cause he's brave cause riding a motorcycle you have to be a little bit brave.

z17 said...

Ralph dosnot lison becouse he dosent relly lison to his Mom. He likes the motercecle but hes not old enofe to ride it. Ralph is adveturous becouse he went down the hall and back.

KG9 said...

Ralph is courageous becase he has alot of questions. Ralph is not trustwothy because keith could not trust Ralph with the motorcycle. Ralph is adventourse because he likes adventerses.

Ab3 said...

Ralph is not trustworthy because he was not responebale of the motorcycle because he lost it.

Ralph is adventurous because he loves to ride the motorcycle alot.

Ralph is not a good lisener because keith told Ralph not to even to touch the motorcycle.

rm13 said...

ralph isnot trast worthey becus he cant tak care of amotisicel and hes adveturas be cus he can be brav and hes not a good lisener he dasent lisen to his mom.

TDK12304 said...

Ralph is not trusted because he lost Keith's motorcycle,
he is daring because he tries to go on adventures,
and he is polite because he said please.(at leaasat once).

af88 said...

Ralph is not trusworthy becaus he is not spost to rid it. Ralph duint lisin to his mom. Ralph is aveterist bcuse he dcurs things.

A15 said...

Ralph is not trustworthy because she left Keiths motorcycle and tore of some paint. I think Ralph is couragous because he rides the motorcycle realy fast and he rides it alot. I think Ralph is also impolite because he is not very plitite to Keith when he is realy nice.